Synology NAS – Các cổng (port) mặc định của DSM

Phần 4/15 trong loạt bài: Hướng dẫn sử dụng Synology DSM

Ở Note này mình chia sẻ các cổng (port) mặc định của HĐH Synology DSM. Mục địch giúp các bạn biết được các ứng dụng dùng cổng nào để dễ dàng sử dụng và tùy chỉnh lại số cổng khi mở trên modem, phần nào đó giúp cho thiết bị bảo mật hơn.

1. Setup Utilities

Type Port Number Protocol
Synology Assistant 9999, 9998, 9997 UDP

2. Backup

Type Port Number Protocol
Data Replicator, Data Replicator II, Data Replicator III 9999, 9998, 9997, 137, 138, 139, 445 TCP
DSM 5.2 Data Backup, rsync, Shared Folder Sync, Remote Time Backup 873, 22 (if encrypted over SSH) TCP
Hyper Backup (destination) 6281 (multi-version backup), 22 (if encrypted over SSH), 873 (remote data copy) TCP
Hyper Backup Vault, DSM 5.2 Archiving Backup 6281 TCP
LUN Backup 3260 (iSCSI), 873, 22 (if encrypted over SSH) TCP
Snapshot Replication 3261 (iSCSI LUN), 5566 (shared folder) TCP
Active Backup for Business 5510, 443 (vCenter Server and ESXi host), 902 (ESXi host);
5985 (HTTP for Hyper-V), 5986 (HTTPS for Hyper-V)

3. Download

Type Port Number Protocol
BT 16881 (for DSM 2.0.1 or above);
6890-6999 (for DSM 2.0.1-3.0401 or earlier version)
eMule 4662 (TCP), 4672 (UDP) TCP/UDP

4. Web Applications

Type Port Number Protocol
DSM 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
File Station 5000 (HTTP, additional port can be added), 5001 (HTTPS, additional port can be added) TCP

5. Mail Server

Type Port Number Protocol
POP3 110 TCP
POP3 over SSL/TLS 995 TCP

6. File Transferring

Type Port Number Protocol
CIFS smbd: 139 (netbios-ssn), 445 (microsoft-ds) TCP/UDP
Nmbd: 137, 138 UDP
FTP, FTP over SSL, FTP over TLS 21 (command),
20 (data connection in Active Mode),
1025-65535 (data connection in Passive Mode)
Note: The default range varies according to your Synology product models.
iSCSI 3260 TCP
NFS 111, 892, 2049 TCP/UDP
WebDAV, CalDAV 5005, 5006 (HTTPS) TCP

7. Packages

Type Port Number Protocol
Audio Station 1900 (UDP), 5000 (HTTP, additional port can be added), 5001 (HTTPS, additional port can be added), 5353 (Bonjour service), 6001-6010 (AirPlay control/timing) TCP/UDP
Central Management System 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
CIFS Scale-out Cluster 49152-49252 TCP/UDP
17909, 17913, 19998, 24007, 24008, 24009-24045, 38465-38501, 4379 TCP
Cloud Station 6690 TCP
DHCP Server 67, 68 UDP
LDAP Server (formerly Directory Server) 389 (LDAP), 636 (LDAP with SSL) TCP
Download Station 5000 TCP
iTunes Server 3689 TCP
Logitech® Media Server 3483, 9002 TCP
Mail Station 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS) TCP
Media Server 1900 (UPnP), 50001 (content browsing), 50002 (content streaming) TCP/UDP
Migration Assistant 7400-7499 DRBD
Moments 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
Note Station 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
Photo Station, Web Station 80 (additional port can be added), 443 (HTTPS) TCP
Presto File Server 3360, 3361 TCP/UDP
Proxy Server 3128 TCP
Surveillance Station 9900 (HTTP), 9901 (HTTPS) TCP
Synology Calendar 38008, 38443 CalDAV
Synology CardDAV Server 8008 (HTTP), 8443 (HTTPS) TCP
Synology Chat 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
Synology Contacts 5555 CardDAV
Synology Drive Server 80 (link sharing), 443 (link sharing), 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), 6690 TCP
Syslog Server 514 (additional port can be added) TCP/UDP
Video Station 1900 (UDP), 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), 9025-9040,
5002, 5004, 65001 (for using the HDHomeRun network tuner)
Virtual Machine Manager 2379-2382 (cluster network), 3260-3264 (iSCSI), 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), 5566 (replication), 16509, 16514, 30200-30300 TCP
VPN Server (OpenVPN) 1194, 1195 UDP
VPN Server (PPTP) 1723, 2001 TCP
VPN Server (L2TP/IPSec) 500, 1701, 4500 UDP

8. Mobile Applications

Type Port Number Protocol
Drive 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS audio 5000, 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS cam 5000, 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS cloud 6690 TCP
DS file 5005 (HTTP), 5006 (HTTPS) TCP
DS finder 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS get 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS note 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
DS photo 80, 443 (HTTPS) TCP
DS video 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP
Moments 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS) TCP

9. Printers, UPS, and Peripheral Equipments

Type Port Number Protocol
Bonjour 5353 UDP
Network Printer (IPP)/CUPS 631 TCP
Network MFP 3240-3259 TCP
UPS 3493 TCP

10. System

Type Port Number Protocol
LDAP 389, 636 (SLAPD) TCP
MySQL 3306 TCP
Resource Monitor/SNMP 161 TCP/UDP
Telnet 23 TCP

Nguồn: Synology

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Vinh Nguyễn

Vinh Nguyễn

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